Tag Archives: Screenshots

Fun With Words

Photo Courtesy of Flickr/Chris Blakeley

Are you looking for a fun, new way for students to interact with words? Need a unique title header for a presentation? Want a way for your own children to spice up practicing for that spelling test? Or just looking to send a friend/loved one a nice message? Look no further than geoGreeting and Spell with Flickr. These two sites have made it fun to spell words and send messages!

geoGreeting is a site that allows you to type a message with a maximum of 40 characters. It then pulls images of buildings from Google Earth in the shape of the letters you’ve typed. It provides a link that you can share which contains your greeting. I like the originality of the message it sends…”The surface of the Earth holds a message for you. You just need to look a little closer…” geoGreeting drops a place marker to show you where the building is located on Earth. Finally, if you click on each letter, it will open a map also showing you where the building is located. On my mac, I chose to take a screen shot using Shift+Option+4 and then used as an image above this explanation.

Spell with Flickr is another site that allows you to type words and it will find matching images on Flickr.com to create your message. Once it produces your message, if you don’t like any of the letters, you can simply click on that letter and will automatically find a new to replace it. Once you are happy with your words, it will provide you with html code for embedding. Or you can choose to use the screen shot method mentioned earlier to create an uploadable image.

These two sites certainly have some possibilities for students. Please check them out and share any ideas you may have for using them here. I would love to add some ideas and examples to my wiki! Thanks.

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Mac Screenshots

Taking screenshots on a Mac is super easy. I use them for lots of different reasons: showing what something should look like, sending an error message for help, or taking a shot of something new I bought online to share. There are several ways to take screenshots on a Mac and here is a quick screencast and handout. Hope this helps!

Screenshot Handout: Mac Screenshot Commands